Smaller happy things!

Little bits of happy from the past couple of weeks that I just wanted to share:

  1. Finally picked up my new contact lenses and oh my gosh they’re so much more comfortable than my old ones. The old ones were . . . really old. Too old. I wear yearlies instead of dailies because I have a really high prescription and it’s just easier that way, but I’d stretched the old ones to two years for money reasons. They were wearing down and not sitting well in my eyes anymore and would start to sting after a few hours of wear. I was wearing my glasses more often for several months, which comes with its own set of problems. But these new contacts are fantastic.
  2. Nice perk of my new job: Free at-home access to all Microsoft Office apps. 😁
  3. I’ve been reviewing all my onboarding documents and getting acquainted with all the tools of my job, and I have so many ideas to suggest to my new boss at our next meeting and I’m excited. Even if she doesn’t want to implement any of them, I just feel so much more confident knowing I have ideas to share (considering at our first meeting I was just kind of like “I have no idea what I’m doing or what to ask when she prompts me. I will just smile and nod.” 😅)
  4. I have many pakiges coming. 🥰