I’m finally getting around to setting up a personal website for myself, and if you’re reading this from Dreamwidth, this post is actually part of that process! This site is WordPress-based, although I’ll be designing the look of it pretty much from scratch and going with a more retro, early-2000s sort of theme for it. At the moment I’m still getting everything set up, though, so it just has a default theme and . . . not a lot of content. Yet. 🥰
The nice part about having WordPress running behind it is that I can (via plugin) set it up to auto-crosspost to Dreamwidth! 🤩 A good many other social media sites as well, actually, although Dreamwidth was my first priority and the only site I have hooked up to my blog at the moment. Ideally, my website will be my central hub and “home” on the internet, and all my other social media activity will branch from there. My Dreamwidth (and the LiveJournal archive I imported to it when I moved over) holds so much of my history, though, so I want to keep a very close tie between the two blogs. If everything works out as it should, it’ll likely mean I’ll be posting more actively to my Dreamwidth going forward.
I’ve already done a test of the plugin’s crossposting functionality and it does work, but that was an auto-generated test post by the plugin itself and I deleted it seconds afterward. This post is largely to test how a real post ends up formatting between the two sites, but also is a genuine update I felt was worth sharing: I’m building a new internet home for myself, I’m including my Dreamwidth in that plan because it’s important to me, and I’m excited to re-embrace that old-web ethic of making your own space from scratch and letting it be a total hub of self-expression. My plan includes fan shrines. It’s going to be so much fun! 🥰
More later, but for now I need to start actually laying out the site itself.